A wise friend posted a very wise quote by someone I have never heard of...but whose words were needed...yesterday....that day...today....
"If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."
-Wayne Dyer
Yes, I needed that. A reminder...that what I see, the things I perceive...are my own skewed visions...views that can be bent, marred, or buckled...or ones that can motivate, cultivate, and enlighten.
I have taken for granted many things in this life...never meaning to...but nonetheless...losing simple joy in what I have. I can be quick to judge. I get angry when the control in situation is not my own. I have seen shadows on cloudless days when I should be thankful to see the sun.
I know that I am not alone in becoming too indifferent. We all need reminders. I had a couple of particularly chaotic weeks...and in them...I saw not the accomplishments I had made, the people that I had helped, the man that I love, or the life that I have. I had everything skewed. I alone, let the chaos overwhelm me. I lost sleep, forgot to eat, grasped to control...and failed.
If I had changed the way I was looking at things...I would have realized that I was proving to myself and no one else...that amidst the clutter in my head, the pandemonium during my days...I was pushing through.
Thank you to my friend for putting a mirror in front of my face...because to change the way I look at things...I need to look inside and change the way I look at me...
That's all for now,

A simply beautiful post. You are a very special person, Brandi, and I am so glad to be able to call you my friend. ♥ you.
♥ Kenge
Kenge...I feel the same for you. I needed your words...and though it is all great in theory...I am already proving to need much more practice. You are a great example for me to mirror. Thank you for you. You are wise beyond your years...and you are a rare gift! Love,
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