I was perusing some of the "Blogs of Note" on blogger today...and I came across this gem....
You gotta check it out! A wife records her husband talking in his sleep every night...every night! And let me say...this guy is awesome. Here's a preview:
"Vampire penguins? Zombie guinea pigs? We're done for.... done for."
"Well that's just great. Peanut butter in my crack. Goddamnit."
"I can't control the kittens. Too many whiskers! Too many whiskers!"

I can relate in some small way to the wife of that husband. Brendan is a moaner. He moans in his sleep...and agrees a lot too. He is constantly saying UM HMM...UM HMM....UM HMM...like he's listening to a really really detailed story...taking it all in....and just...ya know...agreeing. It's kind of in this sing songy style too which makes it really cute...or annoying...depending if I am trying to sleep. UM HMM...
Of course I try to take advantage of all of this "consenting"..."hey Babe...can I go on a shopping spree tomorrow?" "Hey Bren...can I quit my job and become a reality TV watcher/reviewer...but basically just watcher?" "Hey Love...can we hire a maid, a driver, and rent some kids to play with from time to time?" And then I wait for the inevitable sing songy UM HMM granting my latest whim...but without fail...every time I actually have a great idea...he wakes up and says...."SHH...it's sleeping time."
F*CK SLEEPING TIME...you were just agreeing with the Sultan Of La La Land and all of his half assed requests...but when I want something that will benefit US (you would really enjoy seeing me in my new wardrobe while I watch America's Next Top Model) you wake UP??? Figures.
Once....just once, I would love to have him acquiesce to one of my rather small requests...and when he does....maybe I'll just be waiting there with a recorder like the wife of that Sleeptalkinman! UM HMM....
That's all for now,

1 comment:
That website is so funny...he says really weird things.
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